Tuesday 26 May 2009

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Get the Straight Goods:

Multi million-dollar-a-year TYCOONS, the ones that actually know absolutely squat about their customers - THEY WANT YOU!
"YES that's right! People like YOUand ME get to tell them what usREAL people really think, andthey want to PAY US -Nike, Walmart, Ebay, Amazon- BIG name companies...have money for you...
"Who else wants to Start Earning up to $3,800+ a month, over and over again from the comfort of your home - Starting in the next 5 minutes?"

var mydate=new Date()
var year=mydate.getYear()
if (year "+dayarray[day]+", "+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+"")

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Dear Real Person,
Let me introduce myself… my name is Amanda Thompson and I had a life changing experience and now I'm finally ready to share it with YOU - I'll be very straight forward.
OK, NO BS ... I am ready to show you how you can start to earn $3,800.00+. Each and every month, I DID it so I am absolutely convinced that this website and process is going to be the most valuable website and system that you've ever Landed on.
Give me just 5 minutes and I'll expose the most powerful, most effective, and most profitable secrets of filling simple online surveys from home...
Just enter your information below and I'll reveal everything of how you can start right away and start enjoying benefits like:
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Spend more time with your family and friends
And much, much more...
Just type in your First Name and Primary Email and click the button you see below to instantly get FREE details...


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Welcome to Sqip
Over the coming weeks and months you will see many new developments in Sqip and we think you will love what you see being introduced.

But right now there's lots to explore and play with!
Some sites and features are not available yet but will be just as soon as the developers have completed their work.
Check out the Member Reward Program for info on how you can make money with Sqip.